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kolochi baw première fari foni waatii , mali 

kolochi baw
group dance theater piece

an odyssey of time.

of vibration,

where the body delivers what it hides

and where the scream is transformed.


give in,

surrender to the cause

the social, political and ancestral cause

of the sacrifice.


give in,

surrender to the cause.


after all,

a declaration of love

to vibration, to life.


aïda colmenero dïaz, 

bamako (mali) january 2022

performers: fily kanté, ousmane belém koné, arsène désire ndayshimiye, ana maíra favacho,

lou djehinan veronique

director and coreography: aïda colmenero dïaz

scenography architecture: aïda colmenero dïaz, angel fulla

producción: bamako (mali) 2022 by cía aïda colmenero dïaz, pina bausch foudnation, africa moment and fari foni waati in coproduction with instituto nacional de las artes escénicas y música del gobierno de españa, casa africa, acción cultural española, mercat de les fors and terrassa arts escèniques

kolochi baw is a work created by aïda colmenero dïaz during her pina bausch fellowship at the pina bausch foundation.

80 min


kolochi baw' in bambara, one of the central languages in mali, means 'the guardians'. these guardians are the guardians of time, of vibration and of sacrifice; the three themes dealt with in this piece in a collective way.

of sacrifice; the three themes dealt with in this piece in a collective way.

kolochi baw was created in 2022 in bamako, mali, at a historic moment for the country and for the entire african continent: for the first time, the country decides to expel the french institutional presence and begins to rise up as a people. kolochi baw offers a reflection on the still latent presence of Western imperialism and post-colonialism in african territories, and the role played by the continent's politicians in dismantling the continued subjugation of its peoples and interests to the global north. the work also reflects on the sacrifices linked to the processes of social and political uprisings, through an in-depth reading of the sacrifices that were necessary to carry out the uprisings of the great architectural edifices built by humanity. a manifesto about how we build the world we live in, the conceptual but also physical place of our existence and that of our ancestors. kolochi baw puts on stage the guardians of ancestry in modernity, the guardians of the processes of construction. the guardians of the new modernity.

the idea of construction is very present throughout the piece, the physical and spiritual construction necessary to be able to carry out the great constructions.
the theme of light as something essential in the construction of the home. the intimate space of each home in each temple. the traditional way of construction versus the modern way of construction and light in tradition and modernity.
versus the modern way of building and light in tradition and modernity

kolochi baw is a work created by aïda colmenero dïaz during her pina bausch fellowship at the pina bausch foundation.



kolochi baw / the aïda colmenero dïaz company at pina bausch zentrum & lichtburg

in 2021, the choreographer aïda colmenero dïaz is awarded the pina bausch fellowship of the pina bausch foundation. as part of this award, the choreographer travelled to bamako, mali, to create the work 'kolochi baw', the company's new stage creation. a work that reflects on the sacrifices linked to the processes of construction of the great buildings of humanity, premiered in spain at the mercat de les flors. in 2023, the company is invited to present the work 'kolochi baw' at the pina bausch zentrum in wuppertal as a national premiere and to carry out an artistic residency in lichbturg, the historic space where pina bausch created most of her repertoire, this video delves into the creation process of the work 'kolochi baw' and captures the passage of the company aïda colmenero dïaz in wuppertal, becoming the first spanish choreographer invited to these two renowned spaces for the universal history of dance.

En gira gracias al Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte de España 

Captura de pantalla 2022-07-05 a las 10.15.45.png
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