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museo universidad de navarra

2th november the fear remover 

duo dance theater


... a search for the fears linked to two essential acts of life: birth and death, and how we relate to our ancestors.


... a dialogue on stage between the earthly world, where fear lives, and the divine mediated by a spiritual guide who prepares the course of daily life to make us connect with the heavenly plane, where the ancestors reside.


... a manifesto to remember that we are not alone, but in constant dialogue with what we do not see.

only the vibration beyond the palpable will lead us to the healing of the emotion captured in the body, and to be able to live.


inspired by the poem of stella díaz varín (chile) and radio ensueño (spain).


I don't want to

may my dead rest in peace

have the obligation

to be present

living in every flower I steal from myself

on the sly



the work emerges from the same everyday life in senegal as a stage for creation and is inspired by elements of the senegalese heritage dance, to be revisited from the contemporary.

2nd november , the fear remover is a piece created in senegal as part of the multidisciplinary project

she poems

directed by : aïda colmenero dïaz

sher: clarisse sagna (senegal) & amie mbye (senegal/gambia)

50 minutes

short version 30 minutes

music | yande codou sene y yakart

produced in dakar (senegal), with the support of casa áfrica, goethe institut dakar, aula cervantes, maison aïssa dione, hotel sokhamon, acción cultural española, el graner

presented at mercat de les flors, diciembre 2019 , teatro principal  san sebastián/donostia ciudad de la cultura.

En gira gracias al Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte de España 

Captura de pantalla 2022-07-05 a las 10.15.45.png
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